Monday, December 01, 2008

The worst children's show on earth

When I was a kid, I was a semi-regular viewer of what on reflection has to be one of the worst children's shows on earth: Mr. Mustache. This clip should hint at the sort of dystopian nightmare embedded in the upbringing of children in southern Wisconsin in the 70s:

Mr. Mustache's claims to fame were:
  1. He had a big moustache.
  2. He sometimes had a big beard.
  3. He drew things on a flipchart. Things like clowns, and dogs.
That's all obvious from the clip; I've mercifully forgotten most of the other specifics of the program. If I recall, there were a lot of flashing screens. Looking back, I wonder what we were being programmed to do by secret messages embedded in those flashing screens; and I wonder whether I've already done those things, in a waking dream-state, as part of Mr. Mustache's shadow army.

A question which arose while searching for info on Mr. Mustache: why does this unaffiliated children's ministry use the same name? What about moustaches cries out "children will love this"?

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